
How to NavalBattle

NavalBattle is a turn-based naval strategy game. Using your ships, capture all enemy ports or sink all enemy ships to advance.

Score is awarded when tasks (sinking a ship, capturing a port, etc.) are completed. Score can be used to buy new ships or upgrade existing vessels. Any remaining point at the end of the game will go towards ranking on the leaderboard. Spend wisely!

A usual turn in NavalBattle consists of moves, attacks, and miscellaneous. Miscellaneous activities include shopping and diplomacy. These elements of a move may happen in any order assuming you are able. Each ship has an independent movement, attack, and upgrade system. These elements will be discussed in greater detail below.

NavalBattle has four main areas of the user interface:

  1. Status Bar - displays coordinates, score, time, and username (if logged in)
  2. OmniMap - displays an overview of the entire map and shows all entities; can be used to quickly navigate the map
  3. Gameplay Area - allows for interaction with the world
  4. HUD - displays information on the currently selected ship

Windows for the shops and to confirm a turn submission are also present in the game.

Movement is one of the three main elements of a turn in NavalBattle. To move:

  • Select the ship you wish to move
  • Select the move button
  • Select a grid location within the highlighted region

Note that each ship class has a different move range. Moves can be used non-sequentially with attacks, etc.

Attacking is one of the three main elements of a turn in NavalBattle. To attack:

  • Select the ship you wish to attack with
  • Select the weapon button corresponding to the weapon you wish to use
  • Select an enemy ship or port within the highlighted region

Note that each ship class has a different attack range and weapons. Attacks can be used non-sequentially with moves, etc. Each weapon type has one use per turn.

Shopping is one of the three main elements of a turn in NavalBattle. To move:

  • Select the ship or you wish to shop from
  • Select the shop button
  • Choose what you would like to purchase

Purcahses can take place non-sequentially with attacks, etc.

There are three classes of ships with their own unique abilities:

  • Battleships - average ship; strongest against submarines
  • Submarines - large move range, but low health ship; can submerge; strongest against aircraft carriers
  • Aircraft Carriers - small move range, but large health; can use long-range airstrikes; strongest against battleships

Additional ships may be purchased at ports.

RoketGamer provides leaderboards and achievements for NavalBattle. A RoketGamer account is not required to play NavalBattle.

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